Structure map of Berlin and the surrounding area (SBU): public transport stat...
The traffic network has been digitized to the exact aerial photograph and enables spatial intersections. Only one line was recorded per route and only one point per station. -
Strat. noise map L N (night index) road and surface underground 2022 (environ...
The Strategic Noise Maps 2022 provide information about the noise pollution in the area affected by the main noise sources. They are a continuation of the Strategic Noise Maps... -
Strat. noise map L N (night index) road/underground traffic 2012 (environment...
The Strategic Noise Maps 2012 provide information about the noise pollution in the area affected by the main noise sources. They are a continuation of the Strategic Noise Maps... -
Structure map of Berlin and the surrounding area (SBU)
The SBU is a base map for the creation of smaller-scale thematic maps. It consists of processed ATKIS data and (own) newly recorded geometries. In addition to the use of land in... -
Strat. noise map L DEN (day-evening-night index) road/underground traffic 201...
The Strategic Noise Maps 2017 provide information about the noise pollution in the area affected by the main noise sources. They are a continuation of the Strategic Noise Maps... -
Strat. noise map L DEN (day-evening-night index) road/underground traffic 201...
The Strategic Noise Maps 2012 provide information about the noise pollution in the area affected by the main noise sources. They are a continuation of the Strategic Noise Maps... -
Structure map of Berlin and the surrounding area (SBU): public transport network
The traffic network has been digitized to the exact aerial photograph and enables spatial intersections. Only one line was recorded per route and only one point per station. -
Strat. noise map L N (night index) road/underground traffic 2017 (environment...
The Strategic Noise Maps 2017 provide information about the noise pollution in the area affected by the main noise sources. They are a continuation of the Strategic Noise Maps... -
Strat. noise map L DEN (Day-Evening-Night-Index) street and surface metro 202...
The Strategic Noise Maps 2022 provide information about the noise pollution in the area affected by the main noise sources. They are a continuation of the Strategic Noise Maps... -
Strategische Lärmkarten 2022 (Umweltatlas)
Die Strategischen Lärmkarten 2022 geben Auskunft über die Lärmbelastung im Einwirkbereich von Hauptlärmquellen. Sie sind eine Fortführung der Strategischen Lärmkarten 2017. -
Strategic Noise Maps 2017 (Environmental Atlas)
The Strategic Noise Maps 2017 provide information about the noise pollution in the area affected by the main noise sources. They are a continuation of the Strategic Noise Maps... -
Strategic Noise Maps 2022 (Environmental Atlas)
The Strategic Noise Maps 2022 provide information about the noise pollution in the area affected by the main noise sources. They are a continuation of the Strategic Noise Maps...