GPS Raw data France
This dataset contains GPS tracks of mobile phones users. -
Origin-Destination travel time by public transportation
This information was provided by the Municipality of Milan for the x-thons of MobiDataLab. -
Road traffic accidents: involved traffic parts. (to unf.m.pers.sch.), altgr.,...
Road traffic accidents: involved traffic parts. (to unf.m.pers.sch.), altgr., traffic parts., causes - districts (GS from 01.08.08) - years -
Road traffic accidents: accidents involving people, causes of accidents (part...
Road traffic accidents: accidents involving people, causes of accidents (participating drivers), age groups, traffic participation - SN - year -
This dataset has no description
National Tourist Cycle Routes
The dataset contains the list of National Tourist Cycle Routes with infrastructure value in the national planning of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport in the context... -
Accessibility of school buildings - State schools. AS 2020/2021
The dataset displays information regarding the public transport that can be used to reach the state school buildings located in the Municipality of Milan. The data collected... -
Servizi di Car Sharing, Bike Sharing, Scooter sharing
Veicoli, punti di prelievo/riconsegna e abbonati dei servizi comunali di bike sharing, car sharing e scooter sharing. I dati relativi comprendono anche l'informazione sul numero... -
Statistics rental car 2021
The data set contains the number of motor vehicle rental companies registered in the specified period and the number of rental cars. -
Mobility: location of interchange car parks
Punctual location of the public interchange car parks, where it is possible to change transport modes: in fact, the references to the metropolitan lines present and the total... -
CNG/LNG stations
This dataset has no description
Locations Stapp.in Belgium
This dataset has no description
Technicar - vehicle technical information
This dataset has no description
Brussels Airport flight schedule 2022
This dataset has no description
ATM - subway line stops
This dataset has no description
2011 Census: Commuter movements leaving Milan by means of transport, time tak...
Number of family residents in Milan who travel outside Milan daily for study or work reasons, starting from their usual residence and returning daily by destination... -
2011 Census: Commuter movements entering Milan by municipality of origin and ...
Number of residents in Italy who move daily for study or work to Milan starting from the lodging of their usual residence and returning daily to the same by municipality of... -
Local public transport within the municipal boundaries (2008 - 2013)
Metropolitan network and surface lines (car, tramway and trolleybus network) in urban areas. The data refer to the characteristics of the service (number of stops, length of the... -
Population census: Mainly used means of transport
The dataset shows, for each NIL, the number of residents who mainly use a certain means of transport (public transport, on foot or by bicycle, private car, other means, not... -
Limited speed areas
Limited speed areas: include Zone 30, streets and service roads with speed limits, established with both definitive and temporary measures. ## Purpose The dataset shows the map...