What Not To Say to a Single Girl



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Let me introduce myself. I’m 36 years of age and I am a single woman, and I’m proud of it! Don’t drop your glass, fall off your chair or stare at the screen in disbelief and certainly don’t let your horror turn into sympathy either. If you haven’t succumbed to shock, it’s most likely that you have already mastered the challenging task of talking to single girls and if this is the case, well done! As a single woman, I really feel that there needs to be some rules for guys when it comes to how to talk to girls who are single and aged over 35. So, as a tribute to all the single girls out there (and all the clueless men), here is a round up of the top ten things you should avoid saying when learning how to talk to girls, especially single girls aged over 35.

1. “You single girls must get tired of having fun. Don’t you want to settle down?”

Us single girls are no different to married women. Single girls laugh, get lonely and frustrated and are just as bad at D.I.Y as married women! Of course us single girls would love someone to buy us flowers and help us build the flat-pack table but we’d rather not settle down if it meant picking up unclean socks and cleaning up for someone who wasn’t “The One.”

2. “Let me tell you why you are still single…”

You may be a male friend (or I may not know you very well at all) but you won’t be a friend for long if you utter these words to single girls. I’m still single because I want to be and what is more, I am more than competent when it comes to self-evaluation.

3. “I remember when I was single…”

You may be madly in love with your wife or girlfriend, but I don’t necessarily want to hear about the times when you were single. I know what it is like to be single, I don’t need reminding, and I certainly don’t need you to recall up the pick up lines for girls you used to use.

4. “Have you ever thought of getting married one day?”

Yes, I have thought of getting married one day, and I have got many years in which to do so. While my chances of getting married may seem slimmer than winning the jackpot at a casino, people do win jackpots at casinos, you know! Thus this is not how to talk to girls.

5. “Hey, why don’t you line up right there for the bridal bouquet toss!”

So, I’m at a wedding on my own (or accompanied by my friend’s brother, whichever is worse) and I’m surrounded by loved up couples and gooey stories about instant attraction and living happily ever after. Then comes the bridal bouquet toss in which all the single girls shove and push each other to catch the bouquet (it’s a bouquet, for heaven’s sake, it’s not going to find you a husband!) and low and behold, who gets shoved to the front? Now I’m telling you, there is nothing more unappealing or unattractive than being a part of a bunch of desperate single girls so guys, can we please break with tradition or just refrain from pushing me to the front at all costs?

6. “Marriage isn’t all that great anyway!”

You’re married and I am not, but don’t console me by telling me that marriage isn’t all that great anyway. While you may like your wife running around after you, cooking your dinner and washing your sports kit, I’d rather be alone than be trapped in a marriage in which I am forever “looking after” my man and getting no thanks in return.

7. “You better hurry on along if you still want kids.”

It is okay to talk about your wife’s horrific childbirth stories or your hot male work colleague but the longevity of my reproductive organs is never a welcome topic for discussion! Don’t tell me about the latest breakthroughs in fertility-preserving technologies you’ve seen on the news either.

8. “Seeing as you’re on your own, I thought you’d like to keep the kids amused.”

I may be single and I may be a woman but guys, this doesn’t make me the babysitter! Don’t get me wrong, I’ll play with your kids on occasions (and hey, I often think they are cute!) but most of the time I’d prefer not to end up with paint in my hair or on my trousers and this remains a fact, regardless of the occasion.

9. “You aren’t quite wife material”

It isn’t physically possible for me to wear my heart on my sleeve and keep my emotions to myself nor can I dress seductively and look like a librarian so guys, please just take a moment to consider these pearls of “wisdom” and any good pick up lines you may try to offer me.

10. “You have always been too picky for your own good!”

You may have suggested that I date your work colleague’s brother (the one with the cheesiest pick up lines) or your uncle’s cousin’s son (he had some good pick up lines too) but just because you have suggested them doesn’t mean I should instantly fall for them or their pick up lines for girls. Anyway, I’m not picky…I just know what I like.