7 Ways to Spot a Jerk For Singles Over 40



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Attention singles over 40: you, of all singles, don’t have time to waste with jerks. You’re getting older, so the time is running out for you to find that special someone and get married. The problem with most jerks is that they’re so darn charming. A jerk will lure you with his endearing qualities, and before you know it, you’re practically his lap dog. But
don’t waste another year or two of your life with a man who’s not going to deliver on his promises. Spot the jerks more quickly and accurately with this handy list.

1. Observe how he treats wait staff

When you go out for dinner with your new lover, pay attention to how he treats wait staff. Is he friendly and polite, or does he make unreasonable demands and throw fits if things aren’t perfect? The way people treat wait staff is a good indicator of how they’ll ultimately treat you.

2. Look at his eyes

Are his eyes focused on you, or are they flitting around all over the room? If you’re having a hard time taming your man’s eyes, it could just mean that he’s bored, checking out other women, or hiding something. Eye contact is everything.

3. He doesn’t call when he says he’s going to call

If he tells you that he’s going to call you on Tuesday, he better make that call, unless he was hit by a cement truck or his dog accidentally swallowed his cell phone. Be skeptical of any man who promises to call you at a certain time and doesn’t. If you’re not worth even a phone call, what does that tell you?

4. He has a long history of failed relationships

If you meet a guy who has a long history of failed relationships that were all short-lived, beware. You’re probably dealing with a narcissist. A narcissist generally falls in and out of love very quickly, after realizing that his partner simply doesn’t fit his rigid criteria. To avoid unnecessary heartache, don’t be afraid to ask a man about his past relationships. If he had several relationships and they all failed early on, ask him why. If he tells you that it was always the other person’s fault, tread with care.

5. He doesn’t get along with his family

What does your man have to say about his family? Does he complain about how screwed up they all are? Does he think of his mother as a thorn in his side? If so, you may be dealing with a classic jerk off. If all a guy has to say about his family is negative, don’t be surprised if you become the subject of all that negativity down the

6. He only wants to see you when he’s drunk

If a man only calls you when he’s drunk, sorry to tell you, honey, but he probably considers you his friend with benefits. It’s basically a given that you’re with a dud if he only seems to come around when he’s intoxicated. So, if beer on the breath is the norm with your fella, call it quits before more damage is done.

7. He doesn’t make you feel good about yourself

Do you conclude dates with your man feeling frumpy and hideous? If your man isn’t making you feel like the sex pot you are, then you may want to start looking elsewhere for love and affection. Otherwise, before you know it, those little comments about your weight and bad hair days will escalate and the little that was left of your self-esteem will
be torn into pieces and left for the pigeons.

Do you know of any other surefire ways to spot a jerk? Tell us in the comments!