The service displays data in the form of indicators for emissions relating to "Road transport - NON diesel cars" of the Regional Inventory of Atmospheric Emissions (IREA), i.e. generated by all traffic activities of cars that use unleaded petrol as fuel , LPG or methane (excluding emissions from resuspension, wear and tear). The estimates made are calculated on the basis of the INEMAR system (INventario EMissioni ARia) on the basis of the EMEP - CORINAIR methodology and concern sources classified according to the SNAP nomenclature (Selected Nomenclature for Air Pollution). They are classified according to the following parameters: reference year, province and municipality, reference activity according to the SNAP methodology (macro-sector, sector and emission activity), fuel used and pollutant emitted. The main pollutants exposed are: CH4 (t/year); CO (t/year); CO2 (kt/year); N2O (t/year); NH3 (t/year); NMVOC (t/year); NOX (t/year); PM10 (t/year); PM2.5 (t/year); PTS (t/year); SO2 (t/year). Data is rounded to four decimal places. The service displays the data in four different spatial resolutions: Municipalities, Provinces, Regions, Air quality zones. Through a special function in the Environmental Knowledge System it is possible to view the inventory data according to three different types of classification statistics (Jenks, Equal Interval, Quantile). The WFS service can also be used in any GIS desktop (e.g. QGIS).