Statistical data - Statistical zones - WMS geo-service
The Web Map Service displays the statistical data of the Population themed on the statistical areas of the municipal territory. Please refer to the consultation of the connected... -
2011 Census: Education level of the resident population aged 6 and over by ci...
The dataset contains the number of resident population aged 6 and over by citizenship (Italians and foreign-stateless), gender and level of education. The data was collected... -
POSAS Population by Gender, Age and Marital Status in the Municipality of Milan
The POSAS survey (municipal resident population by gender, year of birth and marital status) concerns the entire resident population registered in the registry office divided by... -
Population projections: births by municipality - Years 2022-2041 (base 2021)
The dataset presents the projections of births by municipality. The projected data, according to the various evolutionary hypotheses of fertility trends and migratory movements,... -
Population projections by district - Years 2022-2041 (base 2021)
The dataset presents the new projections elaborated according to the various evolutionary hypotheses of fertility trends and migratory movements, following the Cohort Component... -
Population projections by municipality - Years 2022-2041 (base 2021)
The dataset presents the new projections elaborated according to the various evolutionary hypotheses of fertility trends and migratory movements, following the Cohort Component... -
Population: residents by marital status, gender, age and citizenship
The dataset estimates the number of residents by marital status. This is an estimation procedure made necessary by the lack of information on the marital status of a part of the... -
Population: Registry entries divided by district
The data concern immigration to Milan from Italy and abroad, by year of the event. The data can be disaggregated by: year of the event, type of registration provision and main... -
Population: residents by citizenship and municipality
The dataset contains the master data of the resident population broken down by year (as of 31/12), age, gender, citizenship and municipality (former decentralization area).... -
Population: residents by citizenship and neighbourhood
The dataset contains the master data of the resident population broken down by year (as of 31/12). Warning: We recommend importing downloaded files using statistical packages or... -
Population: residents divided by gender
The dataset shows the evolution of the calculated population residing in Milan by gender, from 1936 onwards. The events are classified according to the flows and the date of... -
Population: Registrations divided by municipality
The data concern immigration to Milan from Italy and abroad. The data can be traced back to the type of registration measure and the main characteristics of the migrant. The... -
Population: Registrations by age group
The data show immigration to Milan from Italy and abroad, from the year 2020 onwards. The data can be disaggregated by: year of the event and age groups. The year variable... -
Territory: demographic and territorial characteristics of the neighbourhoods
The dataset presents data of a demographic, administrative and territorial nature, divided by district (NIL - Nucleo di Identità Locale), referring to the years from 2011... -
Territory: location of the Census sections
The reusable database contains the geographical vector representation of the 2011 census sections * 1) Census Section defines the minimum survey unit of the Municipality of... -
Families: typologies by neighbourhood
The dataset presents the distribution of resident families by family type, estimated using appropriate hypotheses starting from personal data. This distribution was applied to...